Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Wow...two in a row.

Well, RAW was a mixed bag last night. Looks like they're going in the direction of turning Shleton Benjamin heel and a feud with Shawn Michaels. Looks my post from 6 months ago may or may not come to fruition. Benjamin's career will probably depend on this single feud. If he brings the house down with HBK he'll be a huge star. If not, he'll be mid-carder forever. He won't exactly be main eventing by the end of the year, but this imminent feud with HBK will have him on the cusp. I've had high hopes for Shelton since he beat HHH and my hopes have been fading since he lost the IC title, but if this feud with HBK is anything like their match on RAW a few months back, we might be looking at a series a **** + matches and I'm not complaining about that one bit. Bischoff get fired yada, yada, yada and he'll probably be back in a couple of months just like everyone else gets fired.

Bama's in the Cotton Bowl vs. Texas Tech and personally I can't be more excited. It's a New Year's Day Bowl and it's one of the bowls with steep tradition. ROLL TIDE!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm really a slacker...

So, since I've posted last I've gotten a job with Discovery, moved to the DC area, Bama went 9-2 and beat Tennessee and overall life is pretty good right now. DC is pretty's cold up here though. It snowed the most I've ever seen it before...and living in Alabama for 27 years that's a lot. I want to update this more frequently so stay tuned. Later I'll be back and run down RAW from Monday Night and talk some Bama Football.