Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Review and Analysis for RAW and 24...

As good as RAW was last week it was just as bad last night. I was sooooooo looking forward to Benoit/Michaels next week, but instead I get Edge vs. Kane. Bleh. I can see the Lita turn coming a mile away to join up with her real-life man just as the ultimate F-U to Matt Hardy. Strange how it turns out like that, huh? Right. I did call the Hassan/Benjamin thing or what? If Hassan doesn't get the title at Vengeance it'll probably be SummerSlam, which is a shame on so many levels as Hassan couldn't carry Shelton's jock. That's a fact. I'm really doing backflips over the Trips/Batista feud. I mean come on, how long is this thing going to go? I'm this hoping it ends at Vengeance in Hell In A Cell, because this is just brutal. What can I say about Christian? This guy has just been off the charts this last month. Popular opinion is that he goes to SmackDown in the lottery and challenges John Cena for the WWE Championship. I won't argue with that. I say that they even take a gamble and put the belt on Christian maybe at SummerSlam or Survivor Series at the latest. If they do it at Survivor Series that'll have transition champion written all over it or maybe he'll actually go over at WrestleMania. That's still nearly a year away, so there's no telling what could happen.


Wow, Wow and Wow. They are really going full steam ahead with these last 5 episodes. They catch Marwan, but the missile launches and Jack is now wanted by the Chinese government. It doesn't get any better than that. I like how Jack threw Audrey's "has anything you done today been right?" back at her. Yeah, if not for Jack your dad and your ungrateful rear end would be dead. Geez, the nerve of some people. Well, by the looks of the preview Heller's son had a hand in it after all. We'll see to what extent next week.

Monday, May 09, 2005

24 tonight and the Gold Rush continues...

We're coming down the home stretch with only 3 more episodes left in the fourth season of 24 as Jack is hot on the heels of Habib Marwan who is managing to stay a step ahead of Jack and CTU. Jack and Audrey are having major problems after Jack ordrerd a CTU doctor to divert his attention from performing surgery on Paul to a Chinese national who knows where Marwan is located. This ultimately leads to Paul's death and tirade from Audrey directed at Jack. Is it just me or is Audrey becoming a real handle lately? I mean, she knew about Jack's past and now she's acting all shocked as if she can't believe he's acting this way. Also, this "me me me" attitude she took when Paul died just made want to throw-up. Supposedly, she has the country's best interests at heart, but when it comes down to actually helping get ahead of the terrorists she folds like a cheap suit. I think Paul was somehow involved anyway but we'll see. The last two weeks have been great television and we will see if that holds up tonight. I'll have a review and analysis tomorrow or Wednesday.

Onto RAW....

The Gold Rush tournament to determine a new No. 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship continues tonight as Edge takes on Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit faces Kane. If Shelton Benjamin is not in the main event picture by the end of the year something is terribly wrong. We might be looking at 1/2 of the Wrestlemania 22 main event in Benjamin. He'll probably end up dropping the IC belt to Hassan in couple of months and probably kill his heat that's been building since Wrestlemania. There will probably be more hijinks with Triple H and Batista as well. So far Batista is flopping as champion and it's of no fault of his own. They're not allowing him to get over like he should and his crowd reaction is diminishing. If it were me I'd put the belt back on Benoit as he's more over and is obviously more talented. If him and HBK feuded over the title all summer you wouldn't get any complaints from me that's for sure. I'll have a review and analysis of RAW coming up tomorrow.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Opening Post...

Well...This is my opening post on my brand new blog and I 'm really looking forward to it. I'll try to post everyday with some thoughts about what's going on in the world. Mostly sports and TV, which is really what makes up my life right now. Sad, ain't it? I'll also be posting analysis on a message board I frequent called "The Quad" which is part of Tider Insider. You can find a link to it on this page. Well, it's almost time for Family Guy so I'll return later!