Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Family Reunion, new shows and much more...

RAW held it's "season premiere" last night with a mix of all 3 of the WWE brands and I thought it presented a very intriguing storyline with the 3 champions that will no doubt lead to a tag match at Survivor Series. I SO hope that DX buries Edge and Orton b/c I really couldn't give a damn about those two guys to begin with.

Since I am now working for an ABC affiliate I've had the chance to catch some of their standard fare. I hate to admit it because it's such a girl show, but I am now hooked on Grey's Anatomy. I will actually give credit to Meg for this one because I never would've even heard of the show had it not been for her. I have yet to catch Desperate Housewives. The jury is still out on this one, but as of right now I'm leaning towards no. The same goes for Lost. Everybody seems to think that this is the best show since sliced bread. I beg to differ, that honor goes to 24. Lost is on tomorrow night so if I'm not around to watch I'll at least DVR it and watch it later. Also, in attempt to rip off 24, ABC announced that they will air the last 15 or so episodes in a row. No matter what though, NONE of these shows hold a candle to 24. PERIOD.

Alabama plays Ole Miss this Saturday and I will be in attendance. The Tide is looking to win two in a row to head in to Tennessee week 5-2. I'm hoping the running game can get on track and hopefully put a decent amount points on the board because Lord knows we'll need the offense clicking when we head to Knoxville next week. Coach Shula announced today that Marc Guillon has left the team and that will make Jimmy Barnes the new backup quarterback.

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